Thursday, May 22, 2008


May 22, 2008

Only 4 days of school left. What a year this has been! I have had the most challenging classes I have taught in a long, long time. But the year ended out OK thanks to a Clocklight I bought from Utah State. It stays lit as long as the students are one task. I turn it off with a remote control when they are not. They have a daily goal of so many minutes on task and it increases weekly. Of course I had to invest in treats but it was worth it. Today we have dance practice, 2 talent shows, and the kids have to type their mysteries. Tomorrow is the Dance Festival and Field Day and it is about 50 degrees outside with a good prospect of rain. Tuesday is the awards assembly and Wednesday is the 6th Grade VS Faculty Softball Game. Thursday, we clean up and Friday, they are only here for 30 minutes. So I only have 185 1/2 days until retirement!
I went to my painting class last night. I was really disappointed because the painting we are doing is very similar to one I painted last year. But it is getting easier. The art teachers at Forbes (my school) asked me to display my artwork in the art fair. That was kind of fun.
Skip is still pretty much stuck at home. He has a diabetic ulcer on his foot. I doctor it almost every night. He has a boot he is to wear when he goes out but he can't drive with it so he just stays home. The Dr. said it is getting smaller in diameter but it is still as deep. If it goes down to the bone, he will have to have his foot amputated. He still suffers pain almost constantly. Life is grand.


US said...

You have to teach another year? Burk says that is too bad! We head to Vegas on Saturday. We have a really nice place in SW where it is all new and really developing. Aunt Heidi was so sweet to help in any way she could. It will be nice to be closer, but the heat isn't too inviting!

Stormi Winscot said...

Mom, thanks for the comment on my blog. I keep checking yours to see if you've had a chance to update. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you do get feeling better! As for the gift of energy and persistence, I agree with you how hard it is to have sympathy for those that can't keep up, even a little bit. I totally understand that one. Not that I hope to get sick as I age to be able to have the empathy for others, but it is hard to feel for others when you not only feel like the energizer bunny, but feel that you get to pick up all the slack that everyone has left on the wayside or simply can not do! I'm glad you've been able to grow and learn through this, even though it has been extremely painful and exhausting at times. Hang in there. I hope the new diet helps your tummy! Can't wait to see you guys. Just a few more weeks! YIPPEE!!!